How time flies – 12 months ago today, I launched Cotswold Colleague, a virtual admin assistant service to help growing businesses & busy professionals throughout the Cotswolds with their administration and social media management.
When I came across the term Virtual Assistant I knew that my background, diverse skillset and passion for getting files, paper & computer, in order would be perfect for this type of work. Following redundancy, it was a scary prospect to decide to become self-employed but coming from a family of self-employed entrepreneurs meant that it felt like the right decision.
There’s been a few daunting moments, launching myself into networking meetings and being out of my comfort zone. Far more challenging sometimes than standing in front of a room full of 7 year old Brownies! But am I so pleased I did it.
Thank you to the clients who have worked with me to-date and my family and friends who have supported me on this journey so far. I have the privilege of helping clients on their own business journeys as they reach out to their audience through social media or to support them with all aspects of admin as their business grows. No two jobs or two clients are the same and every day brings something new.
I’ve also made some great contacts and new friends through lots of networking and the virtual assistant world is wonderfully supportive. Working for myself has also given me the opportunity to learn new skills. Whether it’s researching for a new project or just brushing up on the latest technology, the opportunities to continue to develop in this career are endless.
As more people embrace the ‘work from anywhere anytime’ flexible approach the demand for ‘virtual’ working continues to grow. I’m looking forward to the rest of 2017!
If you’d like more information on how a virtual assistant could help you and your business, please contact me.